arduino (4)

Make your older house smart with

It's getting cold again and I was checking and repairing my weather stripping around my house. Whilst taking a close look at the doors, I noticed most of them had what looked like recessed sensors in them. Into the rabbit hole I went... I had…

By Jonathan Poland

ESP8266 + AWS API gateway signed requests

One of my recent projects required an ESP8266 device to interface with AWS. I tried AWS IoT first, but it wasn't what I wanted. Instead, I decided to call a simple API hosted in AWS. This sounds like a simple thing to do, but like…

By Jonathan Poland

Arduino Chicken Coop: Software

This post details the software for the ESP8266 controller. See the previous post for a rundown on the hardware. Here's the high-level stack: And functionality: I won't go into the code here, that's best looked at via the bitbucket link above. Instead, I just cover…

By Jonathan Poland

Arduino Chicken Coop: Hardware

This post details the hardware used in the coop for running the door, lights, etc. and how it's wired up. See previous post about physical structure. Having prior experience with Arduino, the ESP-12F in particular, that is the "brains" of the operation. It has ample…

By Jonathan Poland